Hunger Mountain accepts unsolicited fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry during our spring and fall submission periods. 

General guidelines: Please submit prose of no more than 5,000 words or up to three flash/hybrid pieces all in one document. For poetry, submit up to five poems all in one file. Pieces that experiment with form and bend notions of genres are always welcome, just submit to the project you think fits best.

Hunger Mountain strives to provide a platform for traditionally silenced voices, and we reserve at least 50% of each issue for unsolicited work. 

We welcome simultaneous submissions but ask that if your work is accepted elsewhere, you withdraw it through Submittable as soon as possible. 

Current students and faculty in the MFA in Writing Program at VCFA cannot submit to the magazine. Alumnx must wait two years after the date of graduation to submit. 

Due to copyright laws, we cannot accept pieces that include song lyrics. 

Ends on $3.00

Please read our General Guidelines before submitting.

Please submit up to five poems, all in one file. 

Hybrid/experimental pieces very welcome.

We look forward to reading your best!


Ends on $3.00

Please read our General Guidelines before submitting. We are interested in traditional literary fiction as well as speculative work—literary science fiction, fantasy, horror, climate fiction, magical realism, irrealism, and slipstream. Hybrid/experimental pieces are very welcome.

Please submit a story of no more than 5,000 words or up to three flash pieces, all in one document. 

We look forward to reading your best!

Ends on $3.00

Please read our General Guidelines before submitting.  

We love to read nonfiction that expands our notions of the genre, be it lyrical, personal, critical, philosophical, narrative, or any mix of the above. Remind us that our reality can be as magical/metaphorical/visual/dramatic as fiction. Better yet, remind us that reality itself can be rewritten, depending on who’s holding the pen. Hybrid/experimental pieces very welcome. 

Hunger Mountain